Frequently asked questions

  • 1. Choose your artist—the most important part! Each of our artists has their own style of tattooing (check out their bios to see some of their work) and pairing the style of artwork with the right artist is going to give you the best tattoo possible. If you are unsure which artist is right for your project, our team is happy to help you figure out which artist is right for you!

    2. Once you have chosen your artist, submit a booking request form—you can find this form at the artist's bio page. You will automatically be emailed back with scheduling instructions. Remember to check your junk or spam folder if you are not seeing the email in your main inbox.

    3. Read through all of the information that is in the email that you receive and follow instructions.

    You may receive an email back saying that the artist's books are closed. We open our artists' books on a specific date and schedule 2-3 months in advance. We never book out further than three months to keep our wait time to the least amount of time possible. If you want to stay up to date on when our artists' books are open, follow us on Instagram.

  • Unfortunately, we do not do walk-ins or last minute appointments. Our artists book out about 1-3 months in advanced, depending where we are at in our booking periods. You can check under "inquire with an artist" to see when books open and what months they are booking for.

  • We do! (ages 13-17 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with proper documentation) You can book your appointment ahead of time HERE with Sunny! She also takes walk-ins when available Wed-Sat 11-5ish. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions at 423.602.8465 or!

  • We do not have a cancellation list. However, if we have a cancellation, our artists will post about their open appointment on social media with instructions on how to snag the spot. Follow us on Instagram to keep up with any cancellations.

  • We are a completely custom shop, which means there are a lot of variables to the cost of a tattoo. Due to this, it is difficult to determine the definite cost of a tattoo until the day of your actual appointment. However, if you click on “inquire with an artist” and scroll down, you will see if a link for a price quote form. If the artist’s books are currently closed, the “price quote request” button will be available. If the artist’s books are currently open, you will click on the “booking questionnaire link” button and fill out that form.

  • Due to the size and capacity of our studio we ask that you do not bring any guests along with you to your appointment. We have a small studio and don't always have extra seating options for guests. Arrangements can be made if you and a friend are getting a matching tattoo. This can be discussed during the appointment booking process. We cannot allow minors in the shop.

  • No. The state laws in Tennessee state that an individual must be at least 18 years of age to get tattooed. We also believe that the chances of you regretting a tattoo are significantly higher as you are still growing, both physically and mentally.

  • At Main Line, your health and safety is our highest priority. We are a 100% disposable studio and adhere to strict procedures to avoid cross-contamination. This means every artist provides new and unopened needles for every tattoo and uses single-use razors, ink caps, and any barriers used in the process of tattooing. We take pride in our cleanliness and sterilization and work closely with the Hamilton County Health Department to ensure that we are strictly following all Tennessee state regulations.